My two horde characters: An Orc Shaman and an Orc Warrior



I started off part of my evening gather ore for my up and coming Orc Warrior, and while i was doing that, i joined the LFG for mech, which usually ends in a night where i don't run anything. That's my thinking. My track record though has been different. I have always been able to run the instance I want to run. Just not when I want to run it. So sure enough, after about an hour, I got a tell asking me my spec and then shortly after that an invite, and summon. We proceeded to stomp all over mech, with a quickness. Shortly afterwards they invited me to their guild.
The problem that i have with raiding is, most guilds raid at 5pm, 6pm and 7pm.
I don't get home until 6pm and I like having dinner with the wife, so that excludes me from most raiding guilds. There is two guilds that raid at 8pm server time though, and they have their one enhancement shaman, so they are good.

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