My two horde characters: An Orc Shaman and an Orc Warrior


25 man raids

I was able to get in on a 25 man raid of archerion who is a pve boss in the pvp zone of wintersgrasp. Very nice run, I was able to get some shards and emblems. After that they did Sarth at obsidian sanctuary. No loot but also was able to pick up some shards and emblems. I really liked the way that the guild leader explained the fight. He had a few sentences and they described some of the activity, then we started it up. After we wiped on the first attempt, now that everyone has a feel for what happens, we succeeded on the second attempt with only 3 deaths. I have been on raids where we spend 15 minutes explaining the fight and the phases and we wipe 3 times in a row.
And I love the fact that we get emblems and shards when we down bosses, makes not winning anything ok since at some point we can pick up something with emblems.

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